Educator's Guides
Yearly Calender of National Ag Days
Designed for teachers, this calendar is a great resource for incorporating agriculture days into any classroom. With links to lessons, book recommendations, resources, and more for each day/month, we encourage you to use this calendar as an easy way to incorporate agriculture into your classroom to celebrate certain days of the year.
Pre-Service Teacher Guide
Designed for teachers starting their career, this guide introduces simple lesson plans for all grades to start incorporating agriculture into their classroom.Volunteer Guide
Designed for volunteers, this guide provides valuable information and lessons for any volunteer to take into formal and informal settings.Kansas Natural Resources

Plants: Kansas Crops

***Permission is granted, without written request, for an educator to reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part for an entire school or school system, for commercial use, or any other use is strictly prohibited without written permission from Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom.