Teacher Grant Opportunities

White-Reinhardt Scholarships, Grants Available
Scholarship for 2019 NAITC Conference
Teachers and volunteers can apply to receive a $1,500 White-Reinhardt Scholarship to attend the 2019 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference ‘AgVenture in the Natural State’ in Little Rock, AR June 19-21. The deadline for applications is October 15. Learn more and encourage teachers and volunteers in your state to apply for a White-Reinhardt Scholarship today!
In addition, White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants are once again available for K-12 agricultural literacy classroom projects. The $1,000 grants are intended to initiate new or expand existing agricultural literacy programs. Organizations interested in applying must work with their county or state Farm Bureau. The deadline for applications is October 15. Learn more and encourage teachers in your state to apply for a White-Reinhardt Mini-Grant today! The White-Reinhardt Scholarship and Mini-Grant programs are administered by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA).
CHS Foundation Classroom Grants Available
Fifteen K-12 Projects To Be Funded Across Nation
The CHS Foundation is once again offering classroom grants for K-12 teachers with projects such as school gardens, embryology initiatives and other plant and animal projects that use agricultural concepts to teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies and other subjects. The deadline for the $500 grants is September 15. Learn more and encourage teachers in your state to apply for a CHS Foundation Classroom Grant today!