Kansas Agricultural Facts
General Kansas Agriculture Information
- The average Kansas farmer is 58 years old
- Approximately 88% of the state's land is under agricultural production
- Largest City: Wichita – 389,938
- Number of Farms: 58,569
- Average Farm Size: 781 acres
Crops & Livestock
The top five agricultural products grown or raised in Kansas include:
- Cattle and Calves
- Wheat
- Corn
- Sorghum
- Soybeans
Kansas is a recognized leader in agriculture in the United States. Here is how the state ranks in the following.
- First in grain sorghum production, growing almost 64% of the nation's crop
- Kansas leads the nation in winter wheat production, growing more than 23% of the nation’s crop
- Second in sorghum for silage production
- Second in cropland with 29,125,505 acres
- Third in cattle production with 6,450,000
- Fourth in sunflower production and hay production
- Seventh in corn for grain production
- Tenth in soybean production
- Twelfth in number of farms
In 2019, approximately 6.9 million acres of wheat were planted in Kansas. The state harvested 6.5 million acres.
In 2019, approximately 6.4 million acres of corn were planted in Kansas. Approximately six million acres were harvested for grain.
Kansas’ dairy cattle produced 3.8 billion pounds of milk in 2019.
As of Dec. 1, 2019, there was 2.2 million head of hogs in Kansas.
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Kansas Agriculture Farm Flavor Magazine:
Farm Flavor profiles America's hardworking farmers and ranchers who produce our food, fuel, and fiber, connecting consumers to the country's vital agriculture industry. Find Kansas information on exactly where our food comes from.