KFAC has four active committees that assist in overseeing the organization's activities, direction, and policy. Each committee is responsible for a different aspect of the organization and makes specialized recommendations to the board of directors to help them make more informed decisions. Every board member serves on at least one committee. The other committee members are chosen based on their expertise in the industry relating to that specific committee.Interested in serving on our board or learning about other volunteer opportunities, check out our volunteer page.
Chair - Laurie Curtis
Retired Curriculum ConsultantManhattan, Kansas
Cindy Colle
TeacherHutchinson, Kansas
Angela Beavers
Geary County Conservation DistrictJunction City, Kansas
Serita Blakenship
Kansas Farm BureauManhattan, Kansas
Brandi Miller
Kansas Cooperative CouncilManhattan, Kansas
Ben Jones
Former EducatorPratt, Kansas
RJ Dake
Hidden Hill FarmsAuburn, Kansas
Robyn Kelso
State of KansasEudora, Kansas
Jennifer Standley
Former EducatorGarden City, Kansas
Chair - Amanda Straight
Cloud County Community CollegeConcordia, Kansas
Jack Salava
Retired FSA AgentManhattan, Kansas
Doug Beech
Retired Kansas 4-H FoundationManhattan, Kansas
Jim Weaver
RetiredManhattan, Kansas
Karlee Legleiter
KS Dept of RevenueLiebenthal, Kansas
Tom Roth
Triple T ConsultingClay Center, Kansas
Morgan Todd
Central National BankJunction City, Kansas
Chair - Luther Hamman
KS State BankManhattan, Kansas
Doug Beech
Retired Kansas 4-H FoundationManhattan, Kansas
Casey Bisenthal
Bank of the Flint HillsWamego, Kansas
Barbara Meyer
RetiredManhattan, Kansas
Charlie Sargent
Retired KFBManhattan, Kansas
Jim Weaver
RetiredManhattan, Kansas
Clayton Good
Tyler InsuranceWamego, Kansas
Chair - Jennifer Latzke
Kansas FarmerDodge City, Kansas
Cindy Baldwin
PublisherMcPherson, Kansas
Nichole Gouldie
Nutrien Ag SolutionsInman, Kansas
Marsha Boswell
Kansas WheatManhattan, Kansas
Russell Plaschka
Kansas Department of AgricultureManhattan, Kansas
Laura Munsch
Marketing AngleSalina, Kansas